Some of the group

Friends form Equals IW Friends and Family Group joined Mark at Merstone Community Orchard and Railway Station to take part in a Redway Loop. The site is managed by Gift to Nature.

We were delighted to have a new friend join us for this walk along with Sandy and Jo from Healthwatch Isle of Wight. While walking the group discussed concerns about health and social care services on the Isle of Wight.

The walk started by exploring and learning about the Community Orchard and the heritage of the old railway station. The orchard is home to a range of wildflowers, fruit trees and the blossom provides a early source of nectar.

Mark lead the beautiful circular walk taking the country lane and woodland pathway to Redway. They continued round a field planted with sweetcorn and country fields to Horringford. The group then returned to Merstone Old Railway Station and the Community Orchard along the old railway line which is now a hard-packed cycle track.

The final Green Time Walk for 2024 is taking place on Sunday 13th October 2024 between 2pm and 5pm. More details soon.

We took photos

The Green Time Walk easy circular walk covered 5km (3 .2 miles) and participants burnt 289 Kcal taking 6,900 steps.

Green Time a fun, informal way using the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.

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