A Men’s Friendship Group has been formed and the next meeting is to be held on 23rd March 19.50 to 20.00 at the Isobel Community Centre Café, Pan Newport IW.
Equals is interested in supporting the UN sponsored World Diversity Day held traditionally on the 21st of May. There was a hope that St Thomas's Sqquare might be available but on enquiry to the IW Council it appears that such an event would be classed as a "Market" and so subject to a whole host of regulation and charges.
Equals propose to come up with an annual calendar of activities to include for example the Holocaust Memorial Day and World Diversity Day. The calenar would be submitted to the Council and organizations involved for approval prior to publication.
It was noted that Womens' Friendship Group has a lively programme of activity over the next few months.
The next committee meeting date has been changed to 25th March from 10.00 to 12.00 at Newport Police Station but has yet to be confirmed.