Main Points of General Interest

Equals IW plans include

  • Delivering a Diversity Awareness Session to Newport Parish Council during October.
  • Attendance at the inaugural meeting for next years Mardi Gras parade. The 2019 theme is ‘The Big IW Biosphere Mardi Gras’ with a launch event on Tuesday 30th October 2018, 6pm at The Quays Art Centre, Newport.
  • Restarting the Men's Friendship Group
  • Organising an event to Celebrate United Nations Diversity Day on Tuesday 21st May 2019
  • A stand at a half day Provider Fair in the Newport Jobcentre Plus on Wednesday 28th November 2018

The Women's Friendship Group has restarted after the summer break and will also support the second year Black History Month. The group have decided not to cook this year but attend in National Costume on the 19th October 2018 at St Mary’s Hospital in the Circle Café.

The Isle of Wight Asian Day event was cancelled due to the weather but a smaller celebration was held at the organiser's house for those who had travelled down especially from the mainland for the day.

The next committee meeting will be held in the first half of November 2018 at a location to be announced.

This is a very brief abstract from the minutes of the meeting.
A copy of the minutes is available on request.

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