As part of the aim to support equality and diversity on the Isle of Wight, Equals IW offers a Ladies group for women including women of ethnic backgrounds.
For a real cultural diversity experience come and join our Ladies Group. The group provides a welcoming place to women of both minority and majority ethnic background. Come and make new friends, get advice and find support. You can take part in fun activities and maybe participate in some training.
Equals IW also offers a Friends and Family Group which is open to adults of all ages, children accompanied by parents or responsible adult, family members and friends. Some this groups activities will be open also to the general public..
The groups have taken part in
- Carnivals and arts parade
- The Kite Festival
- Cultural and Diversity Events
- Art and Craft fun Activities
- Information Technology Training
- Food Hygiene Training
- Cooking Courses at the Isle of Wight College
- Culture Kitchen
- Back to Work Training
- Private Swimming Sessions
Please contact us to find out more.
Updated February 2023