Join the Equals IW Friends and Family Group with Kathy to explore and discover about life on the water’s edge. Your visit will focus on the dinosaur fossils and heritage of Compton Beach.
You will explore the natural resources of the beach, with a range of activities which may include
Exploring Compton Bay during a spring low tide will be an interactive and creative learning experience.
We will switch off, get up close and connect with nature and each other.
A perfect way to enhance emotional wellbeing and mental health whilst enjoying the coastline views.
Text or call Mark today and book your place on 0785 485 2518
We have a flyer. (pdf 240kB)
The Heritage Coast-to-Coast project (pdf 412kB) uses the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.
The Autumn Walk ended a third successful year of walks. The Equals IW Friends and Family Group recently came together to take part in the final Green Time Walk of 2024 the Rookley and Roslin Walk. Friends joined Mark who led this beautiful circular walk, leaving Rookley Village to walk down Bunkers Lane and on through Bunkers Copse.
We walked down the path passing a large field full of sheep and onto the marsh field that was very wet. We were faced with a challenge to work out a dry route to the stream bridge. Crossing the River Medina at the bottom of the valley we walked up hill to Loverstone Farm for a well-earned short break.
From there we climbed the short hill to view the surrounding countryside in the warm autumn sunshine and walked on to Ramsdown Farm. Here the walk re-joined the country lane to on to Rookley Farm to find an autumn coloured leafed wall for a fun photo opportunity.
We took the path back to Rookley Village to successfully complete the circular walk
4.5 miles –7.2km, 473 Kcal being burnt and 10,215 steps taken.
Mark, who is the Green Time Co-ordinator is delighted to share the Green Time Walks will be returning in spring 2025 for a fourth season of walks. Next year walks will give an opportunity to explore even more different areas of the natural outstanding beautiful countryside of the Isle of Wight.
We took photos
Green Time a fun, informal way using the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health. The Green Time Walks are a partnership programme between Equals IW, MCEnhancement, Isle of Wight Council Mental Health Alliance and Gift To Nature.
Friends form Equals IW Friends and Family Group joined Mark at Merstone Community Orchard and Railway Station to take part in a Redway Loop. The site is managed by Gift to Nature.
We were delighted to have a new friend join us for this walk along with Sandy and Jo from Healthwatch Isle of Wight. While walking the group discussed concerns about health and social care services on the Isle of Wight.
The walk started by exploring and learning about the Community Orchard and the heritage of the old railway station. The orchard is home to a range of wildflowers, fruit trees and the blossom provides a early source of nectar.
Mark lead the beautiful circular walk taking the country lane and woodland pathway to Redway. They continued round a field planted with sweetcorn and country fields to Horringford. The group then returned to Merstone Old Railway Station and the Community Orchard along the old railway line which is now a hard-packed cycle track.
The final Green Time Walk for 2024 is taking place on Sunday 13th October 2024 between 2pm and 5pm. More details soon.
We took photos
The Green Time Walk easy circular walk covered 5km (3 .2 miles) and participants burnt 289 Kcal taking 6,900 steps.
Green Time a fun, informal way using the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.
Friends from the Equals IW Friends and Family Group left their cars at home and made their way by bus to Newport Bus Station. After taking the bus to Ryde Interchange they hopped onto the Island Coaster to follow the eastern shoreline to Bembridge, Sandown, Lake and Shanklin. The group travelled on the south side of the island through Ventnor, Whitwell and Chale . The bus then cruised west along the Military Road towards Freshwater and the iconic Needles Landmark attraction at Alum Bay where they had a picnic lunch.
After the lunch they caught the Needles Breezer. This is considered one of the most spectacular open top bus rides in England and normally has views that would simply take your breath away. But on this occasion the views from the cliff ride from Alum Bay up to the Needles Battery.were hidden behind low cloud and heavy mist. More typical of an autumn or winter day rather than a mid-summer day in July.
The route took the group through the beautiful and charming town of Yarmouth with its harbour and normally stunning views of Tennyson Down. Once back at Alum Bay they explored the Needles Landmark attraction. Due to the poor weather the group decided not to take the pleasure boat from the jetty for a close-up view of the Needles Rocks and Lighthouse with panoramic views of the coloured sands of the Alum Bay cliffs.
We hope to return next year as part of the Green Time programme to take the boat trip.
The return bus journey took the group through the pretty countryside and villages of the West Wight back to Newport Bus Station. Sadly the sights could not be seen from the bus due to the rain. We all made the best of the British summer weather and enjoyed a lovely day together in friendship touring on the buses together.
We took more pictures
Green Time - enhances positive emotional wellbeing, self confidence, self esteem and mental health.
Equals IW Friends and Family Group recently visited the Garlic Farm for afternoon home made cream tea as part of the Green Time series of events.
Group members explored the farm shop which was a treasure trove of garlicky goodness and local delights. They sampled garlic inspired tasters from the family-run business.
The group discovered the history of the farm and its archaeological finds. They learnt how garlic came to the Isle of Wight, how to grow it and garlic health facts.
Two younger group members enjoyed a large lawn with play equipment and lots of space for running.
Mark who is the Green Time Project Coordinator led a circular walk through the beautiful woodland. Group members had fun collecting pine cones with the idea of using them to make decorations. The visitors delighted in discovering the natural habitat teeming with birds, animals, insects, and wildflowers that thrive alongside the farmed crops. The group paused to admire the wild meadow in full bloom, a haven for resident bees, and enjoyed meeting the friendly farm goats. Ruth spotted and took photos of a wild rabbit and Niviera spotted a red squirrel and captured it on video. It was a delight to be up close with nature.
While roaming the group encountered Colin Boswell who is the owner of the Garlic Farm. He runs it with his wife, children, and extended family.
Colin was out walking with his dog and shared fascinating insights about the trees explaining how to collect seeds from pine cones to grow your own. He also discussed some archaeological finds as he headed to explore a local field. Colin took an interest in the group, asking where we were from, and we shared details about the Green Time Project.
The group celebrated Jayne’s birthday and were treated to Cece’s home baking by enjoying a slice of Monkey Bread*.
We took photos
Green Time is a fun, informal way of using the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.
*Monkey Bread is a type of pull-apart bread that is often sweet and sticky. It's typically made from balls of dough coated in butter, cinnamon, and sugar, then baked together in a ring-shaped bundt pan. The balls of dough can be pulled apart easily, making it a fun and shareable treat. Some variations include adding nuts, raisins, or a glaze on top.
The Equals IW Friends and Family Group visited Merstone Railway Station Community Orchard which is a Gift to Nature site.
The event was the successful culmination to a three year programme of "Walks with a Splash of Fun Maths" held in partnership with Mark from MCEnhancement.
Group members joined Mark to explore and learn all about the Community Orchard and heritage of the old railway station. The Community Orchard is home to a range of wildflowers and fruit trees with their blossom providing a great source of early nectar.
The group enjoyed taking part in some fun maths learning about "Areas" before joining Mark on a short walk along the old railway line, now known as the Red Squirrel Trail. They returned back to enjoy a picnic in the late afternoon warm sunshine at the Community Orchard.
We took photos
The Green Time Walks will continue throughout 2024.
Green Time - Multiply is a way of developing maths skills in a fun, informal way by using the great outdoors to enhance positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.
As part of the aim to support equality and diversity on the Isle of Wight, Equals IW offers a Ladies group for women including women of ethnic backgrounds.
For a real cultural diversity experience come and join our Ladies Group. The group provides a welcoming place to women of both minority and majority ethnic background. Come and make new friends, get advice and find support. You can take part in fun activities and maybe participate in some training.
Equals IW also offers a Friends and Family Group which is open to adults of all ages, children accompanied by parents or responsible adult, family members and friends. Some this groups activities will be open also to the general public..
The groups have taken part in
Please contact us to find out more.
Updated February 2023