Cece Award

We are delighted to present the ‘Green Time Multiply Award’ to a truly outstanding winner, Cece Shaw. The Isle of Wight Council Adult and Community Learning Team recently celebrated the Skills For Life Multiply three year ‘Maths’ funded programme by holding a special Multiply Awards Evening to celebrate the final phase and closure of the programme.

Equals IW and MCEnhancement joined a number of other partner delivery organisations with their nominees and guest, along with distinguished guest, tutors and trainers for a buffet held at the Westridge Adult Learning and Community Centre, viewing of organisational displays including Green Time and networking.

Each partner organisation gave a presentation of their programme during the special awards ceremony. Mark of MCEnhancement presented the following:

“Cece was one of 10 learners who joined the first Green Time – Multiply creative crafts with a splash of fun maths workshops in December 2022. The workshop enabled Cece to learn about percentages and create her own wooden Christmas/seasonal festive plate decorated with her own personal design.

cece mark

Cece has completed

  • Four Green Time – Multiply Walks
  • Seven Green Tine Multiply Activity Workshops

Cece has developed her maths skills in

  • Percentages
  • Measuring Scales and using a Tape Measure
  • Recognise and add simple fractions using amounts and quantities
  • Reading, writing and comparing halves and quarters of quantities
  • Understanding how to read and write common fractions
  • Working out the cost of ingredients by reading and extracting information from a table
  • Followed the recipe instructions to use the kitchen scales in order to weigh out the ingredients and used a measuring jug to measure out the correct amount of liquid needed
  • Perimeters Areas and Volume
  • Probability
  • Metric Units of Weight and Capacity

Cece really enjoys the learning aspect of Green Time, being outdoors with friends, exploring new and different places around the island and finds Green Time Multiply is not only good for her physical fitness but also emotional wellbeing, a sense of connection with others and opportunities in a fun way to use individual skills, knowledge and keep the brain active and has helped her manage her challenges with self-confidence.

Cece also finds each workshop is very suitable to her ADHD traits as they have taken part in different places for the walking, have different craft activities and have different everyday maths skills activities that Cece aims to complete without the use of a calculator.

Cece added “I love maths, the Green Time - Multiply Workshops are fabulous for refreshing your maths skills. I use many of the maths topics we have covered every day, especially in my cooking. The worksheets have also helped me with teaching my foster children maths. I have enjoyed Green Time – Multiply and see it as First Aid for Maths.”

Cece, over the last three years of the Green Time - Multiply Programme, has only missed one workshop. Cece’s enthusiasm and energy to encourage others to get involved and attend is truly inspirational. In addition, over the last three years, Cece has made a range of different homemade breads which she has brought to share with all the other learners at each of the workshops. It certainly would not have been the same without her during the period 1st September 2022 to 31st May 2024.

We are delighted to present the ‘Green Time Multiply Award’ to a truly outstanding winner, Cece Shaw.


You can read the full presentation report (pdf 40kB)

Green Time - Multiply enables those taking place to relax with others and increase their confidence with numbers developing maths skills in a fun informal way through the use of walks, create crafts and arts activities with a splash of fun maths, focused on enhancing positive emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and mental health.

Good maths skills can help you find more job opportunities and lead to higher wages, or they can help you prepare for further study. They also help in everyday life, such as helping children with homework and budgeting money. From these workshops learners can progress to other Multiply Maths Workshops and brush up their maths skills to support children with their homework or progress to maths skills units, building towards a City and Guilds Functional Maths Level 1 and 2 Qualification.

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